In our modern world, the word salt usually refers to a highly refined substance, sodium chloride. Medical literature is full of studies with evidence of the harmful effects that result from the over consumption of this refined salt. Refined table salt is almost pure sodium chloride with some very toxic additives added. Refined sodium chloride throws off the body’s mineral balance, increase blood pressure, and puts an extra burden on the kidneys. Toxic additives like aluminum hydroxide increase the potential for harmful effect from this type of salt even more. Health problems that are associated with high salt diets are: high blood pressure, heart disease, gout, kidney problems, cellulite, edemas, and spider veins.

Organic salt or sodium is an essential mineral and is naturally present in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. We need only a small amount of sodium, easily supplied by these natural sources. The sodium in fruits and vegetables is complex, with other organic molecules, causing them to be absorbed slowly. In contrast, refined table salt is un-buffered and enters quickly through the stomach lining.

When a surplus of salt enters the bloodstream, the body is forced to store the salt between the cells until the kidneys can filter it. Salt then causes a caustic, burning effect on the surrounding tissue. For protection, the cells release water into the intercellular fluid to dilute the excess salt. As the cells give up their water, they lose elasticity and shrink. This, in turn, causes an imbalance of the cell’s chemistry through a loss of potassium.

Refined table salt is in all processed foods. Chicken soup, pickles, pork and beans, peanut butter, bread, macaroni and cheese, ketchup, mustard and relish, canned vegetables, pizza, hot dogs, salad dressings, not to mention the endless list of junk foods, jam packed and stuffed to capacity with refined table salt.

Our raw detox diet does not contain salt. After a few days of our detox diet, the palate used to a high level of stimulation cleanses and natural foods are tasty again. We use herbs to add flavor to our dishes and in some programs we use Nama Shoyu and miso sparingly. The Gerson Therapy is an example of a saltless diet.

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