Detoxification, Raw Food Diet, Parasite Clean

The protocol I was on at the retreat involved detoxification and a parasite cleanse, the result of which I lost a consistent 2 pounds a week and am now over 20 pounds lighter than when I arrived, losing some of the weight that was gained in the parasite years. I eat the same amount of food or more than I ever did and look and feel better and lighter than I have for years.

With the raw food idea, I learned to eat totally different and initially spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I had a lot of compliments from friends and family telling me how good my eyes and skin looked and how slim I am, and wanting to know how they can become the same. This is a totally different way of preparing food and I love it and love eating this way.

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone, and two of my neighbors may attend soon.

My physical health is in top form today except for my stomach lately, due to stress as this change has not been embraced by all of my family. Hopefully, this negative attitude will pass and I can get back to feeling at the top of my game.

Love to all who helped me reach this road in my life.

C Gaucher

Detoxification, Raw Food Diet, Parasite Clean