Food Addiction and Weight Loss

Before coming to the retreat, I had been feeling for a little while that I was at my limit and that I needed a break somehow. I looked into food addiction because my worst issue was that my eating was out of control – it was obsessive, it was all that I ever thought about and I was feeling out of control in many ways. I looked into programs that were based on weight loss but worried about the relapse rates. I also looked into food addiction groups, but they all seemed tied into substance abuse and/or anorexia. I didn’t feel that those were right for me, I didn’t want to be in a clinical space where they watch you eat. Finally, the holistic approach seemed like what I really needed, plus it was in Hawaii!

My first response when I started treatment at the retreat center was a little nervous, I felt weird about how relaxed and slow paced everything was – I felt like a patient and it was uncomfortable for a few days. Then a switch flipped and I eased into the routine and I felt more comfortable with the pace and gentle atmosphere. The flowers, smells, fresh fruit are surroundings that not everyone will get to experience; it is a special place.

I was pretty happy with the food – the chefs go through great efforts to make it interesting, creative and varied which helps fill the space of missing comfort foods that are emotionally fulfilling. There was some discomfort in taking the supplements but I understand that my body is depleted and that I need to do it. The enemas, though intimidating at first, don’t take long to get used to.

I absolutely loved Pilates, it was my first time on the reformer and I am interested in continuing it at home. The yoga was also great and I was able to take it as far as I could. Breathwork and EFT were most beneficial for me. I had been to counselors before and had not made much progress. My issues were on the surface at the retreat and both techniques really pulled stuff out. They were like an emotional castor oil pack – drawing the impurities out of my soul.

The snorkeling was absolutely amazing. The lava is dramatic and intense at the tidal pools and champagne ponds – it was nice to be centered between these two natural entities. The Volcano National Park tour was a once in a lifetime experience and it was spectacular to be a part of it. Also, I’ve saw my first mongoose!

When I get home, I definitely plan to schedule more exercise. I have had problems breathing and oxygenating properly and I want to continue the progress I have made with that. After 12 days, I feel mellow and at peace. A lot of the food practices I did in treatment were things I knew, but was unable to practice – it has been a good reminder of how you feel when you eat clean and raw. I lost 9 pounds in 12 days!!! I’m excited to replace junk dessert with raw healthy chocolate pie, and make other healthy substitutions in my eating. I feel very renewed and ready to go home and be better for my husband, my kids, and myself!

Age 41
November 2013

Food Addiction and Weight Loss