When you take less than 1200 calories per day your body pulls on its toxin laden fat reserves to produce energy. While fat is recycled and used in this energy production process, toxins are discarded and eliminated through the kidneys liver and skin. Toxin accumulation is one of the most important cause of illness and fasting is the simplest and most efficient way to accelerate the natural process of detoxification. Our juice fasts consist of 12 oz of green juice and 32 oz of red juice per day. It is conceived to mimic the effect of a water fast, and at the same time provide enough energy to sustain daily activities

Our juices are cold pressed daily on our Norwalk or Pure juicer, extracted from organic local greens sourced from our island farmers. We use a combination of carrot celery beets for a red juice and a variety of green leafy vegetables for a green juice

Colon hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy maximizes elimination of waste and toxins from the liver and the colon. It is particularly efficient when combine with a juice diet

The far infrared sauna is a low heat sauna. The far infrared wavelength penetrates 1 ½ inches into the body which enables chemicals to come directly out of the subcutaneous fat storage sites into the sweat. The FIR sauna was used successfully to treat the New York 9/11 rescue workers exposed to a multitude of heavy metals and chemicals freed from the building destruction . Studies show that it is particularly efficient at eliminating heavy metals

The combination of sauna, colon hydrotherapy and a low-calorie juice diet Is ideal for a deep cellular detox, elimination of fat-stored toxins and heavy metals detox

3-day juice cleanse + daily FIR sauna + 2 colonics $495
7-day juice cleanse + daily FIR sauna + 3 colonics $995

Pick up your juices daily at Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat
Take a brisk walk, sweat in our sauna every day
Schedule your colonics over your 3 or7 day cleanse

Cleanse in a retreat environment at Luana Inn any time

Choose from one of our juice or water fasting programs here.

Fasting recommendations
Longevity, disease prevention, detoxification, energy boosting, weight loss, clarity of mind, sugar cravings, true skin care

Fasting health benefits
A Juice diet may
increase healthy gut bacteria,
improve digestion and gastro intestinal health,
Promote abdominal fat loss,
Boost the immune system
Normalize blood sugar and blood pressure
Decrease inflammation
Decrease heavy metal burden

Call now to reserve and pay for your spot


After you register for your fast, you can access your fasting package:
Before and after fasting

Prepare for your fast! Open the organs of elimination, skin, kidneys and liver. Read about how to prepare for your fast at home with an elimination diet

Read how to reintroduce foods after your fast to build on the benefits of your fast