Coping With Cancer: What To Do If You Are Diagnosed With Cancer

Hearing a diagnosis of cancer can be perceived as a death sentence. Often the doctor accompanies his verdict with a date. Fear and panic sets in. Some patients fulfill their doctor’s prophecy and die timely. Others decide their time has not come and want to live. For those who decide that life has something to offer to them, Gerson Therapy offers hope and perspective.

WHAT TO DO: First view the diagnosis as a challenge not as a sentence. Every challenge can be turned into a learning experience. Then look at every aspect of your life and see what you like and what you do not like.

LEARN ABOUT CANCER: First of all – what is the cause of cancer? Many doctors have no idea. Here is the answer: Cancer is duecause of cancer to toxicity and deficiency. And your state of mind. A weak immune system has allowed cancerous cells to proliferate. The immune system responds to emotional, mental, spiritual and physiological material.

LEARN ABOUT CANCER REVERSAL: Cancer can be reversed by working on the causes – either 1. the toxicity problem (body physiology), 2. the deficiency problem (body physiology), or 3. the mind’s emotional/mental/spiritual problem. Best of course is to work on all these areas at the same time. Sleep and rest is also an important part of healing. It is during sleep that the body detoxifies, repairs and regenerates.

LEARN ABOUT GERSON CARE AND SIMILAR ALTERNATIVE METHODS: Our Gerson strategy consists in strengthening the deficient immune system. We detoxify the body and the mind. It involves change. Change in diet, change in patterns of behavior and change in life style.

  • The nutritional program involve juicing vegetables every hour.
  • It is beneficial to have help from the family, friends, neighbors.
  • Mild exercise such as jumping on a trampoline and later on walking are helpful. Read about Max Gerson and reversing advanced cancers. Read about 3 medical doctors with cancer who refused medical care and recovered.

LEARN ABOUT MEDICAL CARE: Don’t put any medical doctor on a pedestal. Always ask for second opinions from both medical and different alternative doctors. Next read this article presented by Joseph Mercola, M.D. – quote: “This article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is the best article I have ever seen written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of the traditional medical paradigm.”. And read this article at the same website. Go to International Natural Hygiene Society (INHS) website and read about natural hygiene and the new direction medicine started to move in the 1800′s (later thwarted by drug industry). Learn to be a little more critical.

DO YOU FEEL DEPRESSED? Are you feeling depressed or nervous? Must-do: learn Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) acutapping, a simple and powerful do-it-yourself energy method. EFT will make you feel much better in minutes, and will help you think clearly. Learn tapping for cancer at their website, here are examples of reversing: kidney cancer and uterine cancer. Get a food processor, blender or juicer – and start to either eat green blended salads or drink green juices every day. Avoid sugars, which feed cancer. E.g. eat more raw & fresh, either all-raw, or a Meditarranean-style diet, without the starches, sugars, and pasta(!). Eating better will make you feel better. Eating toxin-free will start reversing your cancer.

UNDERSTAND HOW CANCER IS HEALED AND WHY: Cancer is probably only deadly if the wrong methods are used. Since the 1st cause of cancer is toxicity, you must first go through a detoxification. Adding toxins is dangerous and must be avoided. Since the 2nd cause of cancer is deficiency, you must also eat a diet that gives all necessary nutrients. For this reason the recovery diet must be raw, it must consist of a lot of live foods. Click here for some nutritional articles.

UNDERSTAND THAT CANCER CAN BE AN OPPORTUNITY: The 3rd cause of cancer is mental, emotional & spiritual distress – e.g. deep-seated unhappiness. It is very important that a cancer diagnosis doesn’t aggravate this state of mind – instead you must be hopeful and optimistic and perhaps even see this as a fantastic chance to heal your life and body, to become happier and more fulfilled than ever before. A cancer scare can give you a really good reason to finally improve your lifestyle.

LIVE YOUR DREAMS: Many people do not get to accomplish what they really wanted to accomplish in their lives. They settle down for less than they wanted. They gave up their dreams and ideals for convenience and comfort. A part of them has died. They are grieving this part of themselves. It is essential for recovery to get in touch with this deep self and give it a chance It is never too late to fulfill your dreams, to live up to your ideals. It is never too late to change your life. I have known a person who upon hearing a diagnosis of cancer decided to go sailing around the world because that is what she always dreamt of doing. She reversed her cancer. Read this article on psychology and the fighting spirit. (Dr. Baylac has been a psychotherapist for 35+ years.)

PRAY AND MEDITATE: Prayer has been shown to be effective. To pray and to be prayed to. Meditation is another way to mobilize the spiritual energy and put it at work for healing. Next read this article on hope and spirituality. Read Create your Own Miracle. Read about meditation here. Learn and use EFT, a powerful quick-method for emotional freedom. Do laughing-yoga. Read a cancer case article in Remarkable Recoveries here. Read Eckhart Tolle’s books, view a free 15-hour online Oprah interview with him. And perhaps read Brandon Bays’ The Journey for more ideas.

ACT QUICKLY! Note: If you wait too long with the important steps of detoxification, and nutritional re-building – you can reach an advanced stage from which reversal is very difficult. Begin the detoxification process, and nutritional (raw foods) re-building process, as soon as possible! Immediately cutting down on all toxins, from all sources, is a good idea. Down to zero. Read Toxins What Are They? At our Alternative Cancer Treatment and Gerson Therapy retreat you will get help to go through with the steps above. You will get professional psychotherapy, and raw meals prepared for you every day. Gerson Therapy also involves coffee enemas.