Coconut Yogurt and Kefir


  • 1 L or 32 oz (4 cups) Coconut Water
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional depends on sweetness of coconut)
  • Kefir starter (one packet)
  • Mason jars for bottlingKefir coconut

Kefir-coconutUse organic young coconut water, the sweeter the coconut, the better it will ferment. Ideally use unpasteurized coconut water with fresh coconut or from the frozen section at your health food store. If it is pasteurized or not very sweet, add one teaspoon of sugar to one liter of coconut water.

Add one packet of Kefir starter per liter. Make sure it is a water starter and not a dairy starter as the microflora are different.

Bottle in a loosely twisted mason jar. Place in a pan to catch drips and let sit in a warm dark place for 10-48 hours, depending on climate.

Refrigerate and enjoy!

**You can add juice of lemon, lime, ginger tea and/or stevia to taste.

Kefir Yogurt

  • Young coconut meat (about 4 cups)
  • Coconut water
  • Yogurt starter powder or Fermented coconut water (kefir)
  • Maison jars for bottling

Take young coconut meat, clean the brown parts off, and puree it with a little coconut water. The puree should equal about one quart or 32 fluid ounces.

You can inoculate with starter powder or fermented coconut water (kefir above). Be sure to slowly stir the probiotic in after it is blended, not in the blender as the heat generated by the blender will kill the culture.

The yogurt will ferment in 8-12 hours.

Refrigerate before serving. You can sprinkle a little fruit on top and enjoy with breakfast or as a dessert!