
How to Normalize High Blood Pressure Naturally in a Few Days

P is a successful businessman who came to us urgently. For the last 4 years his blood pressure was in the 150/110 range. He was taking a prescription blood pressure lowering medication regularly, but now he was afraid. The relaxation techniques and medications P had been using where no longer working and his blood pressure was getting out of control. He was very stressed out and feeling the need to get away from it all. He wanted to see if his high blood pressure could be fixed for good. He decided quickly to participate in a residential medical retreat at Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat for three weeks.

We put him on our whole raw food diet along with an intense detoxification and psychotherapeutic program. He was a very compliant patient, taking his daily coffee enemas and nightly saunas regularly. He never missed his walks after lunch and dinner and had colon hydrotherapy (colonics) two to three times per week. He also spoke with a therapist daily.

After 5 days his blood pressure came down from 142/114 to 122/88. His weight decreased from 215 lbs, at the beginning of his program, to 199lbs three weeks later. In addition he journaled daily about his self-discovery and began to make resolutions for his life.

How Did P Recover So Fast?

1. A Safe and Nurturing Environment

P was running on a sympathetic mode, going from one airport to another, making public appearances, and he became very stressed by an environment that he perceived unconsciously as hostile. We provided an environment that he could trust, and he could get grounded and relaxed: greenery, soothing ocean and caring people to take care of him. This environment helped to restore the balance between parasympathetic (rest and digest) and the sympathetic system (alertness, fight or flight response).

2. Proper Nutrition

Although P had access to great nutrition he was using foods to cope with his stress and was eating stimulating processed foods in quantities larger than necessary and gained 40 + pound over the last 20 years. While following our Lifestyle Change Program P ate a raw organic whole foods diet and his body started replenishing with nutrients and moving naturally towards his ideal weight.

3. Supplements

P got on an individualized supplement regimen that helped his blood vessels to relax, enhanced his digestion and relaxed his mind.

4. Counseling

The most important thing that happened to P is that he was willing to have an honest look at himself. He faced his unfounded fears, recognized his anxiety and reconnected with his spiritual beliefs. It is important in our perspective that patients face their fears instead of avoiding them and eliminate poor coping mechanisms to face the discomfort of their anxiety. P accessed disturbing memories with Reichian Breathwork and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and learned how to let go of the story he had playing in his head about his lack of luck in the past and live in the moment.

5. Exercise

P got into a regular exercise regimen including Stott Reformer Pilates three times per week, light weight lifting, and daily walks.

6. Sleep

P was sleeping well before his visit to Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat. During the first few nights his sleep was disturbed by fears that had been repressed and now were taking the opportunity to resurface to his awareness. The mastering of his fears restored his sleeping patterns after three days of dream disturbed sleep.

7. Prayer

P reconnected with the divine aspect of his life and began being grateful for his life. Connecting with God was an important part of P’s recovery process.

How Did We Help P?

P was empowered with meditation as a tool to control his blood pressure. During his first sessions his BP was extremely high. We took the BP at the beginning of the session, then we had him relax and meditate. As time was elapsing and as he was breathing and following our relaxation guidance, his blood pressure continued to decrease. P could see that as he was connecting with his deep self or moving into his truth his BP was getting lower. From there it was just a matter of teaching him the technique and how to reproduce it on his own when needed.

You also can take control of your life! You can empower yourself and become independent from drugs which not only have severe side effects but also do not treat the root cause of your high blood pressure. We can help you to change your life for the best!