Raw Celery Root Soup

Celeriac Celery root is also known as celeriac and celery knob. It has leaves that resemble familiar celery stalks, which are attached to a light colored tuber that grows underground. Celery root imparts the taste and aroma of celery to recipes it’s used in. However, unlike common celery, celeriac is a vegetable in the carrot family, and as such it contains falcarinols. Falcarinols are anti-oxidants also found in carrots that protect against cancer. Celeriac is a good source of vitamin K, which is involved in promoting bone mass, and it may limit brain damage in those with Alzheimer’s disease. Celery root is a good source of minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper and manganese, and it contains vitamins B and C, all of which are necessary for proper cell function.

Celeriac may be used in the same way as other root vegetables. It can be served raw in coleslaw and salads, added to aioli as a condiment, or grated as a garnish.


  • Cook and mash like mashed potatoes, or cook with potatoes, turnips, onions and mash together
  • Cut the root in pieces and roast
  • Make Dr Max Gerson’s Hippocrates Soup
  • Prepare a fast, nutritious raw food soup in your blender
  • Grate or julienne and use in salads or as garnish

Here follows a quick to make and very easy raw soup:

Makes 2 Servings


4 Cups Peeled and Julienned Celery Root
1 Cup Celery Cut Small
2 Cups Water
1 Clove Garlic
4 Dates Soaked until Soft
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
Salt to taste


Combine all ingredients in Vitamix for best results. If you don’t have a Vitamix, a high speed blender will work but the soup will remain slightly grainy. Garnish with grated raw vegetables to add body to the soup.

Celery Root Soup


Julienned: To julienne food means to cut and slice into thin strips about the size of matchsticks, but the size can vary depending on whether you are using the julienned vegetable for garnish, for crudites, in salads or in cooked dishes.