podcast episode of Alive & Well Show with Dr. Baylac and Ian discussing addiction

Ep #010: Addiction

Addiction is the obsessive-compulsive desire to consume a substance to reach a state of enhanced pleasure regardless of health consequences. Addiction is a behavior dictated by conscious and unconscious mental emotional components. Consciously the addicted person feels that he is unable to cope with stressful circumstances in his life and wants to avoid them.

The addict may be a pleasure seeker and may not have developed skills to move through difficulties. He/she may have learnt during childhood to cope with stress with substance abuse modeling his/her friends or family. The substance abuser cannot cope with feelings of failure and/or does not have the resources or the hardiness to fight. He/she is usually unaware of this belief system.

In this episode, Ian and Dr. Baylac discuss various aspects of the behavioral, biochemical and health consequences of addiction.

Tune in to join the conversation about designing a lifestyle and acquiring a mindset that promote a long, healthy and happy life.


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