10 Lifestyle Choices for Breast Health

We have joined forces with so many others by changing our attitude from “Breast Cancer Awareness” to “Breast Health Awareness”. Prevention is key and we must be vigilant in living healthy lifestyles that promote optimal health. The good news is that the majority of breast health practices are also practices that contribute to good health in general and to longevity. Research has concluded that only 10% of breast cancers are hereditary and the other 90% are caused by environmental factors. Take charge of your breast health by creating a healthy environment for your body and by making good lifestyle choices.

We have put together ten lifestyle choices to create breast health.

1. Avoid Wearing a Tight Fitting Bra, Avoid Wearing an Underwire Bra

Many women wear bras that fit wrong and that are too tight. Tight fitting bras prevent proper lymph drainage which prevent the removal of toxins from the breast tissue. A tight fitting bra literally cuts off the lymph circulation. The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It helps the body to get rid of toxins, waste and unwanted materials by draining it into the lymph fluid which is then carried away by the lymph system. In addition the lymph fluid contains white blood cells that protect the body from infection. To give an example, if you are wearing antiperspirants that contains aluminum and your body tries to drain the toxins out through the lymph fluid, aluminum potentially can start accumulating if it cannot be removed because lymph flow is disrupted by a tight bra. You want to ensure that your bra allows for the lymph fluid in your breasts to flow freely to be drained by the lymph nodes in the breast and under the armpits.

Michael Schachter M.D., F.A.C.A.M writes in his article, Integrative Medicine: The Prevention and Complementary Treatment of Breast Cancer:

Over 85 percent of the lymph fluid flowing from the breast drains to the armpit lymph nodes. Most of the rest drains to the nodes along the breast bone. Bras and other external tight clothing can impede flow. The nature of the bra, the tightness, and the length of time worn, will all influence the degree of blockage of lymphatic drainage. Thus, wearing a bra might contribute to the development of breast cancer as a result of cutting off lymphatic drainage, so that toxic chemicals are trapped in the breast.¹

Underwire bras on the other hand present a couple of its own problems to breast health. If you have ever been to an acupuncturist or Chinese medicine doctor they may have taped small metal balls (small magnetic patches known as AcuAids) over a particular acupuncture point to let you receive prolonged stimulation to that particular point.

In the same way metal from underwire bras stimulate pressure points that are located beneath the breasts. Below the breasts are two important neuro-lymphatic reflex points and metal from underwire bras is constantly activating these points. The neuro-lymphatic reflex point underneath the right breast is connected to the liver and gallbladder while the neuro-lymphatic reflex point underneath the left breast is connected to the stomach.

Doctor John D. Andre, D.C., N.D, explains the repercussions of this mechanism in his article, Dangers of Underwire Bras:

These reflexes, like all acupuncture points, follow the Law of Stimulation. In the beginning of stimulating a point, it is stimulated – often causing an increase in associated function. Later on, this continued stimulation causes sedation of that point and a subsequent decrease in its associated function. It’s a mechanical thing.
If a woman keeps the metal underwires on top of those reflex points, over time that WILL mess up the functioning of the associated circuits: Liver, gallbladder, and stomach.
Bottom Line: It will likely make her sick; slowly and quietly.²

The second problem with an underwire is the conducting aspect of the metal and that it can serve as a receptor and antenna for electromagnetic waves like the signals from cell phones, wi-fi, cordless phones and smart meters. We do not want to magnify electromagnetic waves right at our breast tissue. If you are still not convinced that EMFs cause cancer and pose a major public health risk, then see this plea by more than 190 scientists earlier this year.

On May 11, 2015, over 190 scientists from 38 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), and UN member states, requesting they adopt more protective guidelines for exposure to electromagnetic fields and wireless technology, based on increasing evidence of risk. The scientists who have signed the Appeal have published more than 2000 peer-reviewed research papers on the health effects of EMFs.
Heading the Appeal, Martin Blank, PhD, of Columbia University, states, “International exposure guidelines for EMFs must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact on our bodies, especially on our DNA. The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. We must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.³

What Can You Do? 

We recommend that you get a bra fitting and get rid of all tight fitting bras. Next start doing lymphatic drainage massage in the shower daily. See the video below for instructions. You can also try essential oil for the massage (see resources at end of article). If you want to wear wired bras, replace the metal with plastic wires. If you search for this online you will find many resources for that, or try your local sewing and fabric store. Avoid wearing a bra for longer than 12 hours per day.

How to do a lymphatic breast massage4

For those women who would consider not wearing a bra at all, in the table below is a summary of the results from a study done by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer (a husband-and-wife medical anthropology team). The study included 4,000 women and concluded that wearing a bra increases a woman’s risk for developing breast cancer. This study also showed that women with cysts in their breasts experienced marked improvement when they stopped wearing bras.5 This study is controversial and the The American Cancer Society states that it did not take into account known risk factors for breast cancer. For example, overweight and obesity. Women who opt to go braless probably have smaller breasts and are most likely thinner than woman who wear bras. Nevertheless, this is interesting data and certainly worth considering when making a personal decision about what type of bra to wear and how long to wear it every day. Do your own research and empower yourself to make good choices.

  • Bra Wearing Time
  • 24 hours per day
  • More than 12 hours/day and not to bed
  • Less than 12 hours/day
  • Rarely
  • Breast Cancer Risk
  • 3 out of 4
  • 1 out of 7
  • 1 out of 52
  • 1 out of 168

2. Be Conscious of Your Diet

Pay attention to your diet and eat a whole foods (non-processed), only organic and non-GMO diet with lots of fresh vegetables. Avoid known allergenic foods like dairy, wheat and soy. Pesticides and herbicides and chemicals contained in food are fat soluble and love our fatty breasts. Read about eating organic here. Include plenty of vegetables in your diet and a large amount of green vegetables. Let at least 50% of your food be raw (uncooked). This is the proper way to hydrate and clean our cells.

3. Limit Alcohol Consumption to One Drink Every Once In a While

The more alcohol you drink the more you increase your chances of developing breast cancer. Research has shown that two drinks a day could increase breast cancer risk by 21%. Alcohol stimulates the production of estrogen and an increased lifetime exposure to estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.

4. Abstain from Smoking or Quit Smoking Now

Studies show a link between smoking and breast cancer. If you are thinking about quitting smoking, you will find this article helpful: Steps to Stop Smoking.

5. Avoid Environmental Pollution and Toxins

It is extremely important to live a lifestyle that avoids environmental toxins and that provides the body with support to clean these toxins from the body. Exhaust fumes from gasoline in particular is bad for breast health.

Environmental toxins are present in breast milk6 as well as in the blood of unborn fetuses. The accumulation of these toxins in the human body is undeniable, particularly the so-called Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins (PBTs). The United States Environmental Protection Agency writes the following on their website in regards to the Toxics Release Inventory Program, “These PBT chemicals are of particular concern not only because they are toxic but also because they remain in the environment for long periods of time, are not readily destroyed, and build up or accumulate in body tissue.”7

Some environmental toxins like DDT and other chlorinated compounds accumulate in the body because of their fat-soluble nature. Other compounds do not stay long in the body, but still cause toxic effects during the time they are present. For serious health problems to arise, exposure to these rapidly-clearing compounds must occur on a daily basis. Read further about toxins here.

There are 188 air toxics listed as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in the Clean Air Act (CAA), based on their potential to adversely impact public health.

As we can see we live in a world where we are surrounded by toxins and chemicals. Many of which we do not have much control over. However, we can stop purchasing consumer goods that contain chemicals and toxins. We can also demand that manufacturers make products that will not give us cancer. This requires letting go of many things we would normally use or buy, however one quickly realizes that it is easy to get along without these items. Household cleaning products, make-up and personal care products are great shopping categories to start voting with your dollar.

6. Avoid Xenoestrogens Derived from Synthetic Chemicals

The balance between the two classes of female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone is very important. The body tends to balance these two hormones naturally. Prolonged excessive estrogen or progesterone deficiency (estrogen dominance) has a direct correlation to a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Xenoestrogens are foreign (“xeno”) substances that mimic estrogen’s action in the body. Xenoestrogens can either be natural chemical compounds or synthetic. These chemicals are foreign hormones to the body that produce the same effects as estrogen. The increasing number of synthetic xenoestrogens in our environment have been linked to breast cancer.9 Some enhance the production of the so-called bad estrogens while others bind to estrogen receptors which unnecessarily signals the receptors to increase cellular growth.

Natural xenoestrogens include phytoestrogens which come from plants and exposure to these natural phytoestrogens are usually by eating them and are sometimes called “dietary estrogens”. This exposure is minimal and do not have the same disrupting effect as synthetic xenoestrogens.

Synthetic xenoestrogens are also known as Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDC’s) because of their impact on the endocrine (hormone) systems of the body.

Some examples of synthetic xenoestrogens are –

  • Bisphenol A (BPA) – plastic bottles, sports equipment, CDs, DVDs, water pipe linings, coatings in many food and beverage cans, thermal paper as in sales receipts
  • PCBs
  • Phthalates (plasticizers) added to plastics to increase their flexibility, phytransparency, durabality
  • Nonylphenols (industrial surfactants and pesticides)
  • Astrazine (weedkiller)
  • Pesticides and Insecticides
  • Parabens (personal care products)
  • Bovine growth hormone in commercial diary
  • Birth Control Pills

It is important to avoid the accumulation of synthetic xenoestrogens in the body over time. You can minimize your exposure to xenoestrogens by avoiding:

  • pesticides and insecticides by eating organic only
  • eating food from plastic and styrofoam containers
  • storing food in plastic containers
  • reheating foods in plastic and styrofoam containers
  • drinking canned drinks
  • drinking water from plastic bottles
  • dairy especially commercially farmed dairy that contains bovine growth hormone
  • parabens found in moisturizers and hair care products

7. Maintain a Healthy Weight Especially After Menopause

Overweight and obesity increase your chances of breast cancer. Obesity is also a well-known risk factor for breast cancer recurrence and poor prognosis.

8. Have an Active Lifestyle

An active lifestyle means being outside, moving your body and getting some sun! You do not have to join a gym to have an active lifestyle, but you can of course if that is your preference. Take up gardening or hiking with a group in your area or go for solitude walks in nature. The key here is moving our bodies and preferably in the sunshine. This is the best way to make vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential to prevent all cancers. Wearing sunscreen will repel UVA and UVB rays. The only wavelength that will have your body make vitamin D are UVB-rays when they shine directly on the skin (bare arms and legs). Moving the body is key to stimulate lymph flow and for the immune system. Remember this is different than just exercise. Exercise is great and important but an active lifestyle is about doing activities as part of your life that involves moving your body and being exposed to the sun a few times a week. This will also reduce stress and create a state of relaxation.

9. Avoid Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy

Avoid menopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) even bio-identical hormones. HRT has been linked to an increase of breast cancer in many studies and bio-identical hormones have not been studied yet.

10. Avoid Unnecessary Radiation from Medical Diagnostic Procedures

Examples of diagnostic procedures that expose us to radiation are CT scans, Chest X-Rays, and Mammograms. These procedures have been linked to an increase in breast cancer. Thermal imaging is an alternative to mammography for breast screening. Thermal imaging can also  be used as an adjunct screening to mammography. A thermal image can show changes in breast tissue long before a mammogram can. These changes are tracked by measuring inflammation in the breasts as well as angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels. Tumors grow their own blood supply to feed them. Both inflammation and angiogenesis will result in higher infrared reading by an infrared camera. A woman who’s thermal image shows ‘hot’ areas can then choose to take action by making aggressive lifestyle changes to address the changes that are observed. Regular thermal follow-up screenings (every 3-6 months) can then be scheduled to compare further changes in the breast tissue. Thermography uses infrared heat cameras to capture an image of a particular area of the body. To find out more about about thermal imaging, please visit our traveling thermographer, Lisa Kalison of Discovery Screening’s website.

What Thermal Images Look Like. Image courtesy of Discovery Screening.

What Thermal Images Look Like. Image courtesy of Discovery Screening.

In January 2013, the Swiss medical board was mandated to conduct a study on mammography screening. The report was published in 2014. The results showed that mammography screening might prevent about one death out of one thousand women screened. The harm of mammography screening lies in false positive tests and over-diagnosis. “For one breast cancer death prevented in the US, women over a 10 year course of annual screening beginning at 50 years of age, 490 to 670 women are likely to have a false positive mammogram with repeat examination and 70 to 100 an unnecessary biopsy10”. The recommendation of the board was that no new mammography screening would be introduced at that time and to place a time limit on the existing programs.

Doctor Maya Nicole Baylac, N,D. shared the following about her personal and professional mammogram experiences:

I got one mammogram in my life, around the age of 50 after being subjected to pressure from a friend. The experience scared me so much to have my breast squeezed between two metal plates that I did not do it ever again. I am glad that this information about the harm caused by mammography is now released at a time where doctors are put in jail for giving treatments to women who did not ever have cancer.

From asking my patients how they discovered their cancers, I never heard anyone say that it was from a mammogram. Instead, most found their cancer from self-examination. This shows the need for us to be responsible for our health in any ways possible. Prevention is the key for breast cancer as it is for all chronic illness. Reversing cancer is possible but more difficult.

We recommend you do regular self-examinations on your breasts. We also recommend that you find a thermographer in your area. This is not necessarily to replace mammograms if you feel comfortable with this screening method, but thermography can be used either as an adjunct or stand-alone screening method. It will show increased blood flow and inflammation in the breast long before a mammogram will pick up a tumor. Mammograms can see a growth when it is about the size of a nickel. Earliest detectable age by mammogram is after eight to ten years of cancer cell growth. Thermal imaging can detect metabolic indicators for cell changes as early as three years from first abnormal cell development. Thermal screening is about prevention and making lifestyle changes. We recommend that you educate yourself on recent changes in breast screening recommendations and make your own judgement about screening your breasts. Do not blindly follow your gynecologist or doctor’s recommendation without debate and discussion.


  1. Integrative Medicine: The Prevention and Complementary Treatment of Breast Cancer, Michael Schachter M.D., F.A.C.A.M.,
  2. Relfe.com, Dangers of Underwire Bras, John D. Andre, D.C., N.D., http://www.relfe.com/wp/health/dangers-underwire-bras/
  3. http://www.earthcalm.com/scientists-appeal-to-un-for-more-protective-emf-guidelines
  4. http://www.breasthealthproject.com/lymphatic-breast-massage.html
  5. Dressed to Kill, 1995, Sydney Ross Singer, Soma Grismaijer, http://www.selfstudycenter.org/dressedtokill.htm
  6. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2009 Dec 17;129(24):2606-9. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.09.0696
  7. Fact Sheet on EPCRA Section 313 Rulemaking. Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/documents/pbtrule-fs.pdf
  8. J Air Waste Manag Assoc. 2004 Feb;54(2):157-71.
  9. Fernandez and Russo, Estrogen and Xenoestrogen  in Breast Cancer, Toxicol Pathol 2010: 38(1); 110-122
  10. N England J Med 2014; 370:1965-1967


  • Discovery Screening’s Lisa Kalison travels to The Big Island bi-annualy to do thermal screenings on the island. Please visit her website if you would like to set up an appointment for the next time they will be on island.
  • Thermography information is available on Discovery Screening’s website, go here.
  • Essential Oil formula that can be used during a lymphatic drainage massage: Healthy Girls Breast Oil. Get info here.

Female Hormone Balancing with Nutrition [Infographic]

Menstrual cycles are governed by a group of hormones which ebb and flow at different times during the cycle. Subtle manipulations of diet and choosing different food groups at different times of the month can assist the body in achieving a natural and more harmonious cycle.

One such food group that can ease and support natural hormone production for females of reproductive age are essential fatty acids. The following infographic summarizes how essential fatty acids omega-3s and 6s can be altered in ratio during the female cycle to support production of either estrogen or progesterone.


Seed Cycling Snack Balls

Omega-3 Vinaigrette

Seed Cycling Snack Balls

Menstrual cycles are governed by a group of hormones which ebb and flow at different times during the cycle. Subtle manipulations of diet and choosing different food groups at different times of the month can assist the body in achieving a natural and more harmonious cycle.

There are two main phases of the menstruation cycle:

Phase I – From the first day of menses (menstruation) until the onset of ovulation (Days 1 – 14). During this phase estrogen production is important and more omega-3 seeds and foods in the diet will be supportive of estrogen production.
Phase II – From ovulation to the onset of menses (Days 15 – 28). During the second phase, progesterone is dominant and necessary to support body in the second part of the cycle. Seeds with a higher ratio of omega-6 and omega-6 rich foods will support progesterone production.

Seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Some seeds contain more omega-3 and other more omega-6. Seed cycling implies rotating the seeds in the diet to the type of essential fatty acid that supports the particular stage of the cycle.

(Read related article: Female Hormone Balancing with Nutrition [Infographic])

This healthy recipe is a recipe to support natural hormone productions. There are two variations, one for Phase I and the other for Phase II of the menstrual cycle.

TIP: Prepare the seed cycling snack balls for one whole menstrual cycle and store in two airtight glass containers in the freezer. Every day take 4 balls from appropriate Phase with you to work for an afternoon snack.


  • 300 ml    Nut or Seed Butter* (choose from Phase I or II below)
  • 50 ml       Maple Syrup or use dates for sweetening recipe
  • to taste    Spices and Seasonings (Cinnamon, Cacao, Nutmeg, Ginger, Vanilla)
  • 300 ml    Seed Meal* (choose from Phase I or II below)
  • 300 ml    Sundried Organic Fruit (Cranberries, Raisins, Currants, etc.)
  • 50 ml       Dried, Unsweetened Medium Shredded Coconut
  • *Phase I Snack Balls : Menses to Ovulation
    • 300 ml   Nut or Seed Butter (Almond, Cashew, Pumpkin)
    • 300 ml   Flax and Pumpkin Seed Meal * (equal parts, 150ml flax and 150ml pumpkin)
  • *Phase II Snack Balls: Ovulation to Menses
    • 300 ml   Nut or Seed Butter (Almond, Cashew, Sunflower, Tahini)
    • 300 ml   Sesame and Sunflower Seed Meal * (equal parts, 150ml sesame and 150ml sunflower)


Mix nut/seed butter and maple syrup together and stir well. Add spices and seasonings of your choice to the mixture (the balls are tasty also without seasoning). Gradually, stir in the seed meals until evenly distributed throughout the nut butter mixture. Stir in dried fruit. Form into 1” balls and roll in coconut. Store in a dark container in the fridge. Do not use plastic. You can also store them in the freezer to last longer. They will thaw within minutes because of high fat content.

seed balls


Eat 3-4 balls per day at a minimum. They make a quick and easy snack. Eat the balls when craving something sweet. Take to work for mid afternoon snack or in case you get hungry and you are too busy to eat properly.

Flax seed meal is available in some stores, however, for maximum value and nutrition, and to compensate for the lack of other seed meals on the market, it is best to buy the seeds whole, organic and raw and grind them yourself in a seed-dedicated coffee grinder. It is incredibly easy and takes no time.

Storage Tip: Keep seeds and nuts in sealed glass mason jars in the refrigerator. Avoiding plasticides is important to further support healthy female hormone production.

What About Men? Men can restore the natural balance of hormones as well by following the opposite seed cycling schedule to women. Since men do not have a menstrual cycle, it is easiest for men to synchronize with the Lunar Cycle. From the full moon to the new moon emphasize omega-6 seeds and foods. And from the new moon to the full moon focus more on omega-3 seeds and foods.

Hawaii Thermography Special Dec 5th 2013

Hawaii Thermography Special

“Saving Your Breast Friends!”

It’s time to take charge

Take charge of your breast health and avoid the only solutions conventional

medicine has to offer. . .radiation, surgery, chemo and pharmaceutical drugs

–which further compromises your precious immune system – which is the

ONLY SYSTEM that will ultimately protect and heal you!

The SAFEST Breast Screening Method

With Thermography you can Know Your Breast Health TODAY

without pain, radiation or physical discomfort!

Thermography is safe, reliable, proven and can see the earliest immune system’s

thermal activity YEARS before it develops into disease or cancer, AND, at least

8-10 years before a mammogram can see a tumor. That’s prevention!

Big Island “Save Your Breast Friends” Special

We’re bringing our friends at Discovery Screening all the way from the Mainland to
bring you the highest quality and advancements available in Thermal Imaging today!

They have generously reduced their Mainland rates to make this Life-saving

technology more affordable to you, our valued patient community!

$50 off – Thermal Breast Screening ($250 Mainland rate) = ONLY $200*

$100 off – Women’s Health Screen ($500 Mainland rate) = ONLY $400*

$150 off – Full Body Screen ($750 Mainland rate) = ONLY $600*

*cash/check, paid-in-full. Ask about rate specials for Credit Card/Payment plans.

Life -Saving Thermography

First, your Thermal Images are analyzed by the most brilliant, sought after

Board Certified Thermologist MD’s and Naturopath’s in the industry. Then, when
you see the immune system indicators illuminated by your Thermal Images, you
can gain a better understanding of the preventive strategy or treatment plan your
Natural Health Practitioner can design for you.

Thermal Imaging Day in HILO,

at the Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center:
Thursday, December 5th –only one week away!
Call 760-436-8811 …to schedule your Thermal Imaging
Address: 239 Haili St., Hilo HI 96720

Simple solutions, life-saving results

Discovery Screening thanks you for joining them in their mission to

“Save Breasts and Save Lives” with Thermal Imaging. . .especially YOURS!

For more information about Discovery Screening and Thermography,

please visit their website: www.DiscoveryScreening.com.

Call 760-436-8811 as soon as possible

to reserve your appointment!

Are Mammograms Safe?

Lisa Kalison Talks About Breast Thermography

Join Lisa Kalison for a Thermography Breast Screening

Have you ever wanted to do breast imaging and screening without the radiation and discomfort that goes along with mammography? The good news is that Lisa Kalison will be visiting the eastern side of the Big Island again next week with her mobile Thermography service.

Discover the Gifts of Thermal Imaging –

  • No radiation
  • No breast compression
  • No pain
  • No physical contact
  • Earliest metabolic indicators 8-10 years before mammograms
  • Safe for implants, mastectomies, pregnancies, any age
  • FDA registered since 1982

Current research shows that they key to surviving breast cancer is early detection. Cure rates up in the ninety percentages are possible with early detection. Thermographs can detect the heat produced by increased blood vessel circulation and metabolic changes associated with a tumor’s genesis and growth. Angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) is essential to support the growth of a tumor. Areas of inflammation and increased blood vessel circulation can be detected by Digital Infrared Imaging bringing awareness to breast changes before tumors have developed.

Where: Aloha Wellness Inn at 239 Haili Street, Hilo HI 96720
When: Thursday, June 20th, 2013
Call Lisa Kalison 760-436-8811


Read Article from Natural Awakenings Magazine, May 2010 – BREAST THERMOGRAPHY – Lisa Kalison Champions This Preventive Tool

How Three Doctors Reversed Their Own Breast Cancers & Uterine Cancer

Here are other examples of how breast cancers have been reversed using 1) detoxification and 2) nutrition (via raw foods), as well as mental/spiritual “detox” – in essence very similar to Max Gerson’s method (that he arrived at after 30 years of clinical experimentation).
Click here for “If you are diagnosed with cancer – WHAT TO DO“.
More case studies using Gerson Therapy, by C. Gerson.


A Danish MD uses sunbathing and raw vegetables to reverse her breast cancer, during WW II. She then starts a successful clinic for cancer patients. See www.angelfire.com/ia/trikay/nolfi.html.

Quotes from

by Kristine Nolfi, M.D.

That I, a physician, began the consumption of exclusively raw fruits and vegetables was a consequence of a personal illness: a case of cancer of the breast.

As usual, the illness was preceded by a period of poor nutrition and wrong habits, particularly during my twelve years of hospital training when I suffered constantly from intestinal stasis and gastric catarrh. At one time I was on the verge of dying of a hemorrhage due to a gastric ulcer.

At this point I dropped meat and fish from my diet, but not until much later did I begin to eat raw fruits and vegetables, increasing the quantity gradually. I obtained a better digestion this way and was healthier, but I was not yet completely well.

At the end of about ten years of a diet consisting of from fifty to seventy-five percent raw fruits and vegetables, I was unable to diagnose any definite disease. In the spring of 1940 I discovered, quite accidentally, a small tumor in my right breast. But in spite of my fatigue, I disregarded it. Therefore, I was horror-stricken when, five weeks later, I discovered, also accidentally, that this tumor had grown to the size of an egg and had grown into the skin. Only cancer acts in this way.

The usual treatment of cancer is only a make-shift, since we do not know the cause of cancer. I decided at once that I should not submit to that treatment. But what then? I simply had to take some serious steps, otherwise I would soon die of cancer. I felt it almost natural that I should have to live on a 100 percent raw vegetable and fruit diet. With my own life at stake, I was forced to prove the value of consistent diet of this kind.

I started immediately, going to a small island in the Kattegat where I lived in a tent, ate raw vegetables exclusively and sunbathed from four to five hours a day when weather permitted. When I felt too warm, I plunged into the sea.

My fatigue continued throughout the first two months, and the tumor in my breast did not diminish. But then my recovery began. The tumor grew smaller as I regained strength, and I felt better than I had for several years.
I had previously consulted the well-known Danish physician Dr. Hindhede, who agreed that I had cancer but advised me definitely not to submit to a trial mocroscopy. We both knew that it would open up the blood vessels and cause the cancer to spread. So I gave up that idea.

After I had been feeling normal for about one year on a 100 percent raw vegetable and fruit diet, I adopted Dr. Hindhede’s suggestion that I return to my previous diet, supplemented by fifty to seventy-five percent of raw vegetables. But this proved unsuccessful. In three to four months I began to feel sharp pains in the breast, in the scar tissue left by the tumor at the point where it had originally adhered to the skin. The pains increased in strength during the following weeks, and I suddenly realized that the cancer had become active again! Once again I returned to the 100 percent raw vegetable and fruit diet, whereupon the pains quickly disappeared as did the fatigue which had preceded the recurrence of the trouble. But on this occasion, the cancer was more extensive in the skin of my breast.

What next? I was a physician, so now I had to utilize my experience. My husband and I built a solarium at home large enough to accommodate four or five persons during the next summer. We all ate raw fruits and vegetables, and the patients recovered. Then we sold our house in the suburbs of Copenhagen and bought a property “Humlegaarden”, south of Elsinore, where we established a health resort which we have now operated for eleven years.
During these developments the medical authorities began to take notice of my natural treatment for its good results, and they did not like it!


Thus ended completely my treatment of patients with drugs.
Since that time, I have been treating all my patients with natural methods – namely, by living food — with astonishing results.

My sanatorium “Humlegaarden” always has a waiting list. I do not regret severing my relations with the medical profession, and I am happy to have entered the field of nature cure. Thanks to this persecution by my former colleagues, my reputation grew immensely in all Scandinavian countries. This kind of advertisement was worth more to me than money could buy. Thus my former colleagues acted as my free press agents, and I have received free publicity in all Scandinavian newspapers.

During the persecution by the medical doctors, I was called a charlatan doctor; but now the doctors have changed their minds about me. They tell their patients who report to them the good results they got in my sanatorium that I am a good psychologist and personage.
They do not wish to admit, however, that living food has caused the good results.

I will die, but be sure: living food will live, will be spread all over the whole world, and will help to save suffering humanity from all diseases, both of body and mind, and thereby create one world!

Kristine Nolfi, appr. 1952, Copenhagen, Denmark

See www.angelfire.com/ia/trikay/nolfi.html.


A California doctor uses exercise and raw vegetables to reverse breast cancer, a tumor in the lung, and other cancer hot spots.

Quotes from
Beating Cancer & Injury the Natural Way – Dr. Ruth Heidrich’s Story
Raw-Fooder Triathlete proves her philosophy: You can do just about anything you want

Breast Cancer Comes and Vanishes

This wasn’t the first time I had to bounce back. In 1982, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The lump the doctors had been watching had, all of a sudden, seemed to have doubled in size overnight. The now golf-ball-sized tumor galvanized the team of doctors into action, and I was rushed into surgery. After the tumor was removed and examined, I was so sure that it couldn’t be cancer that I got a second, third, fourth, and even a fifth opinion. There was no disputing that it was a moderately fast metastasizing cancer. It was such a shock — as a 14-year-runner and marathoner, I was the healthiest person I knew. But I kept on training, knowing the many benefits of running, which included stress relief. One of the doctors warned me to stop, saying,”Lady, forget it; you’re a cancer patient; you need to rest, take it easy.”

Then, just two weeks after the cancer diagnosis, I saw an event on TV that changed my life: the Ironman Triathlon. This involved a 2.4-mile swim, followed by a 112-mile bike leg, and then a 26.2-mile marathon. With a sly chuckle, I decided to add biking and swimming to an already heavy running schedule. I found the more I did, the better I felt, and in 1984 I completed my first Ironman Triathlon! In 1986 I was invited to compete in. both the New Zealand and Japan Ironman Triathlons, winning age-group firsts and setting national records in both.

At the same time I started training for the Ironman, I investigated the role of diet in breast cancer and the research of Dr. John McDougall. I enrolled in his clinical research study that required a vegan, low-fat diet. My cholesterol went from 236 to 160 in just 21 days. It later went down to 127 and eventually even lower. There were a lot of other benefits, too. I was running faster and enjoying it more. I also beat the cancer, it seemed, because all the hot spots indicative of spread to the bone had disappeared, and the tumor in my left lung stopped growing and seemed to be walled off. This led to my philosophy. “You can do just about anything you want.”

My Diet

The diagnosis of breast cancer in 1982 shocked me and told me that I was not doing enough diet-wise. That was the motivation to go vegan. I followed a vegan diet for almost eighteen years. That was a major step towards glowing, good health. The final step to raw came about primarily for convenience. It’s so natural and makes so much sense that now I can’t imagine eating any other way. It’s just so darned easy! I started immediately feeling lighter, cleaner and faster and, of course, by all the medical tests, I was free of cancer. I started the raw diet in 1998, mostly because of my speaking and racing schedule, which involves heavy travel.

One of the most important things I’ve learned over the years is that plants are the proper fuel for the human body. Animals as food not only clog up the circulatory system and suppress the immune system; they are responsible for most of the diseases humans are subject to. I gave grains up primarily because they are deficient in so many nutrients and their preparation takes too much work. Dr. Bill Harris and Doug Graham assured me that I was better off without grains. I rarely eat nuts and seeds because of their high fat and high protein content and the risk of rancidity. I keep a “sprout garden” in my kitchen with a continuous supply of mung bean sprouts by my sink. Regarding supplements, I don’t feel they can give me anything that I can’t get in fruits and vegetables.
My average daily diet entails “grazing,” which means I have no special meal times. In general, my first meal of the day comes after a two-hour workout and consists of greens, a carrot, a banana, and a mango all cut up and mixed with blackstrap molasses and nutritional yeast. I’ve been eating this breakfast for years now and find that it is easy and satisfying and gets me ready for the rest of the day. I usually get hungry every two to three hours, so I will snack on carrots, greens, tomatoes, apples, cabbage, and dried fruit, such as prunes and cranberries. These ingredients also make up my lunch and dinner with the addition of thinly sliced fresh raw ginger. I also love raw corn on the cob. For dessert, I eat berries of all kinds. Fruit are my favorite food. Greens are extremely important, I think, because of their high nutrient-per-calorie ratio.


I run, bike, swim, and lift weights almost every day, and I frequently have trouble backing off. For example, you’re supposed to “taper” before a major athletic event, and I say to myself the day before, “I’ll just go for a short, easy run,” but then I find myself saying, “Just one more mile and THEN I’ll quit!” Most other athletes I know don’t have trouble with tapering.

I’m now 68, about five feet eight inches tall (I’ve lost no height as most people do by this age) and weigh about 125 pounds. My body fat percentage is 14 % (the average college age female’s is 30%), and people frequently guess that I’m in my forties.

Now my health and energy are fantastic! I’ve done events such as three marathons in three weeks and a total of 67 marathons. I’ve raced thirty-seven miles to the top of Haleakala on Maui, from sea level to 10,000 feet in seven hours and won an age-group First Place trophy. I’ve done an Ironman Triathlon one week and set a new State Record in the 25K race the next week. I’ve won more than 800 First Place trophies in races consisting of triathlons, road running, biathlons, pentathlons (I hold the State record in that one), and much more. I love racing!

Healthful Habits & Greater Awareness

I usually get about five to six hours sleep a night. I get to bed around midnight, and I’m up by 5:00 or 6:00 a.m., raring to go. I enjoy much clearer thinking, greater awareness of my environment, and total empathy for animals, especially those that most people call “food.”

The Future of Humanity

I think we have no choice but to go raw in the future. I believe it is easier to eat a raw diet today than it was years ago, mostly because there are a few more people leading the way. We certainly can’t keep on doing what we’re doing, for many reasons. We can’t afford the health care costs; there soon won’t be any more rainforests to cut down to graze cattle; and our rivers, streams, and oceans will get so polluted that we won’t have any clean water to drink.

We humans have often gone down the wrong path. So far, we have been able to recognize it, back up, and change direction to the right path. This is where we are now. The scientific evidence is very clear that most of our diseases are diet-related and can be reversed by changing our diet. I believe that the Natural Hygiene teachers are the leaders in the health movement, teaching healthful habits at a time when humanity most needs to hear this message.

The planet is also in big trouble which, again, can be reversed by giving it a chance to revive; and of course, we need to realize that we are not the only creatures on this planet that have the right to live peacefully.

Dr. Ruth Heidrich

Web sites:”Ask Dr. Ruth:” <www.vegsource.com/heidrich/>
Book: A Race for Life: From Cancer to the Ironman by Ruth E. Heidrich

We received the Heidrich story in an email. – “Adapted with permission of the author and publisher from Raw Knowledge II by Paul Nison, available from Living Nutrition and www.rawlife.com


A California MD uses spirituality and raw vegetables to reverse breast cancer – visible as a grapefruit-sized tumor.

From Dr. Lorraine Day’s website:

“Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. In 1992, Dr. Day developed breast cancer, biopsy-proven, that became so severe it was eventually diagnosed as terminal. But she refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because of their dangerous side effects and chose, instead, to get well by a totally natural Ten Step Health Plan. She continues to be totally well and cancer-free a full twelve years later.”

“Yes, I did reverse my life-threatening, end-stage cancer by totally natural methods. (You can see the pictures of the huge tumor I had, as well as my biopsy reports at my web site  – www.drday.com). Yes, I did refuse chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because, as a medical doctor with years of experience, I saw thousands of cancer patients die, NOT from their cancer, but from the painful, maiming, destructive treatments we doctors give them. And Yes, I am TOTALLY WELL and Cancer-FREE a full 10 years after my tumor first appeared, and EVERYTHING I used to get well is totally free, except for food, and almost everyone has to buy that anyway.”

Lorraine Day, M.D.

producer of Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore, You Can’t Improve On God, and other videos.


A vegetarian uses emotional healing and raw vegetables to reverse basket-ball sized timor in the uterus.

From Brandon Bays’ website:

“Well, having spent 20 years in the alternative health field, the last thing I ever expected to happen was to end up diagnosed with a basketball size tumour in my uterus – after all, it seemed I was doing everything right – eating fresh, vibrant vegetarian diet, drinking only filtered water. Living in tiny cottage by the sea in Malibu, I was breathing fresh sea air while working out daily. I’d done every emotional and physical cleansing process I’d ever heard of. I was feeling emotionally fulfilled in my marriage, career and family life. It seemed my life was at its peak. And so, when my belly began to swell, I just didn’t want to believe it was happening. I begged the surgeon to give me some time to try to handle it naturally, on my own – to give it my best shot. Reluctantly, she agreed to one month and I agreed that, if at the end of that time it wasn’t healed, I would let her remove it surgically.

So, I bought myself one month’s time. I realized I’d been given a ‘wake up call’. I was being invited to go beyond what I’d previously learned and experienced, and I was absolutely catapulted on a remarkable, profoundly healing, and ultimately freeing healing journey. Ultimately, the healing journey took me to the deepest part of myself, to my very essence, my soul. It was as if a flashlight was turned on inside, and I got to the root core of what was stored in the tumor. My inner being revealed both the old issues and memories that were stored in the cells, and what the tumor had to teach me – what lessons my soul was trying to give me.

Once the old issues were resolved, completed and cleared out, and the lessons learned, my body went about the process of healing itself quite naturally, without my having to do a thing.

Six and a half weeks later, I checked into the highly respected Cedars Sinai Hospital and underwent every graphic test available. Forty three pictures were taken and I was pronounced textbook perfect clean – completely tumor free, without drugs or surgery.”

“If emotional issues remain unaddressed over long periods of time, sometimes they can manifest as physical blocks or disease. Yet it is my experience that, to have complete healing, you have to go somewhere deeper – beyond both mind and body: to the very essence of your soul. There your inner wisdom can reveal what’s really going on, and it can also guide you to release, let go of and complete issues stored inside. Once your body has let go of the blocks, your natural body wisdom (the same part of you that makes your heart beat, your eyes shine and your hair grow) can go about the process of regenerating healthy cells.”

“Very often we can have what I call ‘surface emotions’, like, for example, anger or anxiety. But the truth is that these ‘surface emotions’ are really a cover up for something much, much deeper – perhaps unaddressed hurt, or the feeling of unworthiness stored very deep within.”

“Well, if we are lucky, life gives us a wake-up call where, for a moment, we actually crack through that hardened veneer, pierce through the layers of much and uncover the radiance, the shining diamond at our core. We discover a largeness, a potential beyond our imaginings that is capable of manifesting anything our hearts desire. Then, if we are very lucky, we roll up our sleeves, clear out the muck, the blocks and begin living life from the limitless potential of our inner being.”


Note: The described methods are quite similar to the methods we use in our Alternative Cancer Treatment  & Gerson Therapy Program at the Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center, and almost exactly the same as the methods we use in our Lifestyle Change Program for medical conditions. Our programs are based on 1) detoxification, 2) nutrition, 3) mental/emotional/spiritual healing – and as you have seen in these stories above these methods can be successfully used in in cancer reversals.

More case studies using Gerson Therapy.

If you are diagnosed with cancer – what to do.